Wednesday, October 19, 2011

1 Month Over Already?!

Okay, so I have been slacking a little bit and I am sorry. I have been busy and by the time I get home I am too tired to type a blog, plus life is a little less exciting here!
I have been going to my classes, Old English and Linguistics, for about a week now. I finished my Intensive Spanish course a week ago and I received an 81% on the exam which is considered very good here so I am very happy. Today I started my new Spanish class with a little bit of complication. I was going to take the class in the afternoon since I have classes in the morning, but there were not enough students to make up the class in the afternoon so the professor and I made an arrangement. I will be going to her class for the first part and then attend my other classes study the rest of the days materials on my own on Monday and Wednesday and then every other Friday I will attend her class and on the Fridays I do not attend her class I will go to my other classes. It works out very nicely with all of my professors so I am a happy girl!
On to more exciting things. This past Saturday I went on another excursion to a Medieval city named Morella. It actually has a wall built up around it that was used to protect it back in the day. It was so beautiful!(Check out my 365 project to see pictures!)
We ate at a nice restaurant and had a typically Spanish meal. First, a salad with veggies and tuna, followed by a soup with rice and beans and what we all think was fish. Third, roast with peas, potatoes, and carrots and finally a mouse. And of course there was wine.
We then went to this high ropes/zip line course, which was a lot of fun. I was hesitant at first but I was really happy I went in the end. I was with the first group of students to go. It was a lot of fun. We would go across and through all of these "obstacles" and then go down a zip line and then repeat. I am waiting for other students to put pictures up since I did not take my camera and as soon as I do I will post them.
I was very sore the next day though, with the walking up to the castle and then the high ropes course there was a lot of exercise!
Other than that I am just getting ready for fall here. I will be going to Salamamca the 29th-31st with about 20 students through the university and it should be a good time! I am looking forward to it.
Any questions you all have please leave them in the comments and I will answer them in my next blog!
Besos (kisses)!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another Week

Another week has pasted!! I can't believe how fast time is going here. Classes have been keeping me really busy and I haven't even been able to go to 3 of them. I have been taking an Intensive Spanish Course here that is Monday through Friday from 9:00am until 12:30pm which has been helping build my Spanish skills. That however will end Thursday and the next Wednesday I will be taking the next level class at a Semi-Intensive level (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) in the afternoon from 3:30pm-7pm. I will than have an Old English class, a Narrative in English Class, and a Linguistics Class (In English). Depending on how many credits WIU is going to give me for those classes plus my Spanish classes I may or may not take a Intercultural thinking class that is all in Spanish. I have been going this week but it is really hard to understand what they are saying and the final is a 5 page paper in Spanish which I know at this point that I would need to have my notes and a translator to help me and I don't know if we write it in class or bring it in. We will see what happens with that class though.
I have learned a few new phrases in my Spanish class that I want to share. If you say "No tengo pasta" (which translates to I do not have pasta), it is like saying you do not have a lot of money! Also they saw "Vale" a lot which is like us saying okay back in the states. So when I come home and am talking about pasta and saying Vale, you will all know what is going on haha!!
Yesterday we went to Pensicola on an excursion with the university and it was beautiful. We were able to take a tour and hear about all of the history, then we were able to shop, and finally ended up on the beach for a few hours sleeping and playing games to get to know each other. It was a really good time. There is another excursion in 2 weeks to another place and then at the end of October I am going to Salamanca over night with the university! It was such a good deal and it looks so beautiful that I couldn't pass the opportunity up!
Today I have studying and all that fun school stuff to do, but first I am going to try a Chinese Restaurant in Spain with one of my friends! I haven't really walked around town on a Sunday before but I have heard everything is usually closed. I have usually been watching a movie with Inma or with her and the rest of her family so I have been busy and not really noticed.
I hope all of you who read this are well. Sorry life has gotten boring here for me, too much to do for my classes! I love and miss you all!